Kreativity For Kids

An e-commerce website for Kreativity For Kids - a local business selling quality toys focused on customer service and reasonable pricing

Create a grey scale mid fidelity prototype for an e-commerce store
Project Lead
2 weeks
August 2020
How might we create an e-commerce store that has 'small shop' appeal and prioritizes face to face contact?

Kreativity For Kids is a local business selling quality toys focused on customer service and reasonable pricing. Priority is to be given to face-to-face contact with customers, as well as showcasing products maintaining brand image, ‘small shop’ appeal and great customer service.

While market research studies have shown that parents' first preference is to see and touch the product when it comes to buying toys for their children. However, analysts predict that Internet retailing is expected to be the main distribution channel by 2023.

A feature inventory and plus/delta analysis was conducted on Toys R Us, The Better Toy Store and Toytag. Key findings were as follows:


parents (3 dads and 5 mothers)


age range
Toys for babies need to cater to parents, but less so with toys for older kids
Greater propensity to buy toys if child is younger and/or if first born
Triggers: developmental cues, after that mainly for occasions, or as a reward
Babies and toddler- focus is on safety and material
Strong awareness between low quality toys that will not last vs quality toys
Vanessa, a busy dental professional, believes that play is essential to her daughter’s early childhood development. HMW relieve her frustrations in purchasing toys for this purpose?

HMW Questions were then used to focus solutions on organization goals and user needs:

  • HMW make shopping for toys more convenient?
  • HMW allay her concerns that the toys are safe?
  • HMW let her know which toys are developmentally appropriate and are educational?
  • HMW choose toys that kids will have sustain their interest in?
  • HMW assist in helping to choose toys for other children?
  • HMW ensure that purchases are completed?
  • HMW showcase products?
  • HMW maintain brand image- small shop appeal and supporting the local community?
  • HMW ensure great customer service (priority on face to face service)?
The HMW questions were used to brainstorm potential features. Based on this exercise, 40 features were prioritised looking at impact and ease of implementation using the MoSCoW framework:
<L-R> List of 40 features prioritised using the MoSCoW tool
Ten features were identified as MoSCoW framework:
  1. Have multiple clear ways of locating specific products
  2. Search to auto suggest products
  3. Steer customers toward popular products
  4. Bestseller category
  5. Allow customers to contact the business
  6. Clear indication where physical store is
  7. Highlighthow customers can head to physical store for returns etc
  8. Each product must have a product description page
  9. Have an efficient way ofpurchasing one or more products
  10. Quick shop link from productlisting page
  11. Steer customers toward popularproducts
Navigation System was developed by conducting an open card sort
The next step of my process was to develop the navigation system by conducting a card sort, a user research technique to tap into people’s existing mental models. For this project I was given an inventory of 75 items. With such a large inventory, it was essential to organise this information in a clear and understandable way so that site visitors could find the products they’re looking for. The card sort was conducted with 9 participatnts:

1. An open card sort was conducted with 9 participants using the list of 75 items provided
2. With the results of the card sort and inspiration from other competitor websites, I created 9 product categoriesfor the website
  1. Action figures and hero play
  2. Building Blocks
  3. .Dolls and Doll Accessories
  4. Electronic Toys
  5. Fashion, Crafts and Jewellery
  6. Scooters and Skates
  7. Soft Toys
  8. Sports and Outdoor Play
  9. Tabletop Games
<L-R> Site map for Kreativity for Kids, User flow
Wireframes were created of the main pages of the websites
Features important to address user needs were prioritised
Link to Prototype
3 Rounds of testing with 15 participants
Overview of testing process
Test results showed an improvement in task success with each round
Next Steps
This case study represents the start of a bigger design process for the development of this e-commerce website. The next steps I would like to take for this project would be to continue to conduct usability testing and further iterate on my designs. Given more time, I’d like to explore more ways Kreativity for Kids can bring customers into the store from their website.